Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

TED × Tokyo is
Intellectual entertainment show.

I went to TED x Tokyo 2013 held at Shibuya Hikarie on May 11, 2013 (Saturday).

※ has been immediately to talk up on YouTube
※ For more information on the TED × Tokyo on this siteInterview articlePlease refer to the.

Shibuya Hikarie arrived. Crossing the 2F passage, letters and a monitor of TED × Tokyo will be on the front. The excitement is rising.
Speakers is a Japanese and Planetarium Creator to save the falling birthrate, Harajuku fashion bloggers, artists, such as architect, a total of 34 pairs.
Design "A" Taku Sato comprehensive guidance
In the middle of the break time, lunch and sweets. Look closely to the macaroon is the character of TED × Tokyo!
"Work worth spreading" which showed the state of late-night construction at the time of TOKYU TOYOKO LINE mutual direct connection of 2013.3.16
In the finale all the volunteers on stage. Everyone is nice smile. TED × Tokyo are operated by 100% volunteer, but people usually each is a professional in various fields make up the events gathered by volunteers. Actually it bothers you to the place that made the day before the evening, the venue. Everyone seems are preparing to take a vacation, but the manner in which the work happily was like "adult of Culture Festival".


If what is consider what was good, that you have the idea to spread each Speakers is, that story has been concentrated in the tight and short time, it has been mixed completely different theme, and a sense of unity to the entire venue It is that there is.
Speakers also audience also that there is an atmosphere that can relax and talk as acquaintance immediately, realization and the idea of ​​Speakers from there connection is person-to-person, or will likely feel that led to the next idea can be, was such place.

For myself, within that narrowed the field of view is bombshell in the day-to-day work and housework, encounter in positive and attractive people, was the exciting one day seen the world in a wider field of view.

I arrived to return while asking yourself, "I is What I ideas and values ​​that are spread out in the world."


アラフォー。渋谷区内に勤務の2児の母。 趣味は写真を観たり、撮ったりすること。

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