Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

★ Company · Phillip · Janti
"Moving traveler" ★

★ Company · Philippe · Janti "Moveable traveler" ★
(5 / 22wed-6/4 tue) @ PARCO Theater VIVI sheet release !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Performance by company · Philip · Janti which can be unfolded on stage on various music, lighting and production.

It is neither a drama nor a dance, it is neither a comedy nor a tragedy, neither an individual nor a group, it is not an adult or a child, it is neither a dream nor a reality, it is not a womb or a graveyard, a child's room It is not a society, it is not a society, it is neither progressing nor idling, it is not translated, it is not a doll, it is not a human, and it is neither crazy nor normal, and all of them is there. . .

The only thing that such a company prove is that all of us human activities (including on the stage and the audience seats) are "play".

J. Whijinger defined "Homo · Rudens (a man of play)" and human as "Homo sapiens (person of reason)". Not only children's play but also controversy, corporate activities, even war are 'play', they have certain rules, beginning and end with a game-like character.
What produces and does not produce benefits, what produces and consumes, what is valuable and worthless, what is good or inferior, what is superior or inferior ..., they do not make any sense, It can be said that it is totally human-like in "play". . .

To entrust ourselves to this pure "play" pleasure.
It is a company with such a consistent idea that it seems like this seems to be understood, it is simple, difficult, stupid and sublime.

Even though I thought it was a different space, I knew that it was our own.

Indeed six years ago.

★ It is a VIVI seat release. I would like to consider it equivalent.
Weekdays only (except Saturday and Sunday) ¥ 7.500 → ¥ 6.500 becomes.

If you are looking for is
Please fill in the name, date, time, number of sheets, please indicate by FB message or comment. . .
It will be on sale limited number. (Depending on the date, it will end as soon as it is gone)
As soon as possible !!! entrance liquidation becomes !!!

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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