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La Niña, La Niña · · ·

Anyway, a hot day will last here. Incidentally, today's highest temperature in Tokyo was 29 ℃ (It might be better not to ask ...). The rainy season will come this year? Recently, the keywords that I remember quickly, which remembered poorly, are "La Niña, La Niña · · ·". I do not need to dare to say it twice, but I often hear words that I could get out of this power. This "La Niña" is the opposite of "El Niño" and seems to call the phenomenon that the sea surface temperature of the equator falls (La Nina, El Nino, it seems like the name of a soccer player ...). In summer when such "La Niña phenomenon" happened, it became intense heat, while in winter it became very cold.

In short it's hot this summer! This must be prepared.
Nevertheless, do not you get such a feeling that blood in the body will make noise as Zawazza as the temperature rises? Some people start to cry out that their colleague who was quite adult suddenly is "Fuji Rock", "Samasononi", and some begin to say "go out to Samba!" If you think carefully, the style called Bon Odori has settled in Japanese summer by hitting Japanese drums in the summer of the past, before the western music penetrated such as rock. Maybe information in ancient old times, possibly in the Japanese genes, contains information such as "hot ⇒ summer ⇒ blood troubles ⇒ wanting rhythm ⇒ body willingly move ..." I do not.

Until a while ago, the Japanese musical instruments were kind of old fashioned images, but with the influence of the recent boom in Japan, young people who are interested in Japanese taiko are also increasing, and things like taiko classes are also seen in Tokyo It began to attach. Not only traditional Japanese taiko, for example, "Beyond the traditional frame"Tao drum"Something can be said to be one of the most popular trends of drumming. further"TAIKO-LAB"It is born to a sports club that will be, and the drum is supposed to be great anyhow.

Also on August 24 (Fri) and 25 (Sat), Shibuya ·Aoyama theaterAtAoyama drum Memoirs <Uchihayasu, hit play accompaniment>Event will be held. Sado Island, Major pillars of Kodo · Fujimoto Yoshihiro, Japan's leading drum players such as Shimane · Iwaki Yusuke, Masaru Imafuku, sisters led by Okinawa · Shimonosei Shishi drum, Chisato Aragaki · Fumino etc. thing. On Saturday, Saturday, 25th, "Taiko Live, Oguchi Daihachi's Everything", devised an orchestra-style group drum like the present, and Mr. Oguchi Daikachi, a heavyweight who has lead the Japanese drum world He is said to appear. Although you may not know anyone other than a drum fans, Mr. Oguchi Daihachi is 84 years old at a time, in the drum world he is a man called God. I can not miss this.

Hot ~ Please try and experience the rhythm of the hot drum as you would blow this summer.

Editorial department · Fuji Itakashi

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