Shibuya culture project

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★ 4 / 14sat 19: 30-
"Vivi & Komuro broadcasting and not radio program of"
@ Shibuya LIAISON ★

4 / 14sat 19: 30- 2.000yen "Vivi & Komuro broadcasting and not radio program of". Jaco party of newly begin liaison planning. Create a salon spatial decide every time theme. Also it will be deployed as a music selector rather than a DJ along that theme.

This year's theme is "moving and new life." Also reveals details of the Vivian Sato "Kitashinjuku evicted incident". . .

The person who worries now in the real estate, who are Tsu landlord and trouble, or we have ,,, wait person there are residents in trouble with the landlord himself.

Also located in the Shibuya LIAISON is a four-floor Manhattan record. Shutakara's Pudodeyusa that had made the original NHK program "YOU" is the owner. The store have been decorated in casually his collection of books and materials calligrapher, the book is also attractive. Shutakara's ideas and hobbies can ask. . . The shop has good very concerned about the flow, is feeling located on the banks overlooking the old Udagawa (culvert is currently).

I will introduce my comments closer to the first anniversary. Lunch every day buffet style, is a nice shop seeking a commitment safe food to the material. . .

Comments submitted to Vivienne Sato anniversary ★ ★

The Venice, and facing the small canal, there is a bookstore that can not be entered only by boat. The Venice, business cards and bookplates can be order in the original, there is a letterpress print shop that has continued for hundreds of years. Canals and rivers, life rhythm and time flow in the boat floating in there, a good act and book holdings habit compatible with that reading. The context of the present and the people are similar somewhere on the relationship between the water and the people. Shutakara's collection has been housed in one side wall the owner husband is in Shibuya liaison. They Shutakara's philosophy and ideologies, is also the source of life. Udagawa to join with any Shibuya River is a culvert that can not be view is from the current table. Being in liaison, it can be seen that they are on the banks of the Udagawa that that once the water flow. Wind Komu flowing into the river valley is also feeling well now, is flowing as "mind" is also in the store. Knowledge and aesthetics are flowing out from among the bookshelves have also been poured into the Udagawa trace of the valley. Even now, and always will be. . .

Vivienne Sato (artist)

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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