Shibuya culture project

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★ "it is terribly noisy,
Near impossibly "
Vivienne Sato recommended movie! ★

"Little Dancer" and "stumble time us" the latest work of S. Darudori director came to see the "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close".
Original movie "Everything Is Illuminated" (novel original title "EVERYTHINGS ARE ILLUMINATED") by Jonathan Safran Foer, which wrote the.

( "Everything Is Illuminated" is a hero Elijah Wood, all youth. The only one that his grandfather is reflected care to be taken to those involved in my life in zip lock that was a little strange that I'm sorry old from a photograph of his grandfather's hometown Ukrainian villages and of ,,, and another person going to explore the secrets of grandfather hero of the front man of the male Gogoru-Borutero of NY gypsy punk Eugene Huts. is Misome to Madonna Madonna live or served as the opening act, appointed to the leading role of Madonna's first director movie "Wanderlust Filth and Wisdom". Gogoru-Borutero has several times live at fuji rock festival. Michael Jackson enthusiasts in his play of Ukraine but youth image was also very humorous. really nice and I love movies, did not almost become even to talk, let alone hit. laughs also jinx Vivienne Sato movie rave does not hit?!)

"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close". It came less Oita screening theater in another Tokyo. (!!! Thursday, Shibuya Shineparesu LOFT facing next week)

Father in 9 · 11NY multiple terrorist attacks (Tom Hanks), 9-year-old Oscar-shell that has lost (Thomas Horn). A variety of knowledge and action in spite of the age, is good at insight, also has a fancy habit, boy with Asperger syndrome feeling that not do a little well with friends and society of the school. Their symptoms are also objectively insight can be personality. . . Always even grandma and the middle of the night to live next to the apartment have a story in the transceiver. We have put a much more reliable for the mother (Sandra Bullock) September 11 or later than is especially grandma (Zoe Caldwell).
And it would noticed that rented people have started living in grandma's house after living alone of terrorism.

Or safe entering from the relics in one day father of the closet in a blue vase find something of the key. The envelope containing the key that had been written the letter "Black".
Alive father has issued a variety of fanciful mystery solving problems in Oscar from the usual, the key what in problem solving last mystery that his father has left to Oscar, the death of if there is to solve the mystery Oscar father it was not able to understand the absurdity of the world and. By catch looking for a father of the message that has been put in the key, I was convinced for the first time promote yourself to before.
And is probably the human name is "Black", is to meet Black's in NY, I thought the secret of the key is known, the journey of the Oscar of the investigation began. . .

Meet and go investigation by one person to more than 400 black and his friends. Of course, or is also Monzenbarai, or is a hug, or intrusion into religious groups, noisy children in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, people who continue to draw the same picture, a woman of the people ,,,, wide variety of NY human in man It will be meet. However, the mystery of the key can not be solved with all. . .

And one night, the courage to Grandma's apartment in touch with grandma is no longer taken. So encounter with the Spiral's old man dumb. Although Oscar sprinkled with written communication has been an experience that I came to meet a lot of Black's until now, that you do not know exactly the father of the mystery and the message, it would dumped while Nakijakuri them to the old man. . .
And decide to make a survey of Black's from the proposal of the elderly together.

Spiral's investigation of the journey in the old man and the Oscar and the two people begin. Spiral people do not want to talk a lot. . . The two surveys also continue to frustration gradually. . .
And one night Oscar is going to realize the important hidden hints. . .

It is everyone hard to understand the death of close relatives. Oscar's relatives at the funeral of his father, was buried an empty coffin. If finished the ritual family because felt that never advanced to before. However, on the other hand what is why father for the Oscar did not have to die in the WTC, Why do either ,,, they airplanes had to be plunged to the WTC had been much in a state of suspended.
The act of solving the mystery of the father of the key is, what something answer has been provided. But the actual world and society is never reason or cause can not be clarified. But rather full of absurdity and contradictions. Precocious boy to good science and literature, the philosophy is, what to do catch to this complex world, I do not know quite what to do action. . . The death of his father is a certainly one of the most intense events, but the boy should come across to another incomprehensible not divisible things something someday. Scene that parents imagine in detail the nature and type of the Oscar of the first love of the opponent, have predicted that the fall into confusion states that do not know what to do to deal in either their own children also love. Oscar to peep through the mirror the scene of the conversation is very suggestive. At the same time that draws the future of prophecy in me, it seems to have returned to reflect on the parents of the inner surface of my future. . .

Among the story secret key it would be in the clear. However, many in the real world is better in the case of the secret is not revealed, becomes a symbol of the case the message that the key is not solved life from the father for the boy. But people might to the story of the answer to the Nari not be solved.
It touched also the Great East Japan Earthquake in the publicity of this movie, if you one day were suddenly lost a beloved human beings, human and ,,, how we get over the grief.
In Japan, if you can not find the memorabilia and the bodies of such relics and memories of the key to appear in the play, it left the people gave me at a loss, resulting in a stunned. The intense and serious loss experience recently in Japan, the "re-speak" of life are said to be necessary. But words of kiyokazu washida.

Old man that does not listen to play Nakaguchi will give out "My story's mine!" In written communication. Also the old man (actually of Oscar grandfather) are also coming alive continues to embrace a sense of loss in mind. And when you break up with a fight with Oscar, in the habit now Oscar is "you do not know what is that of Papa! Papa not like the smell of gasoline, tomato is hate, and mom met in bookstores, ,,"When.
Personal history of its own history and the loss has been darling of the memories and the people are, or are hurt greatly momentum of something, or loss. People might compelled to act to make sure again and stories talk about that case.
Come out episode to search for traces of the sixth administrative district of NY in the survey expedition of the father of his lifetime. Remnant of the sixth administrative district is Central Park, the last boy by riding a swing, seems to find a way not science its existence. . .
(The original author Foy was great really interesting writer. Movie of previous work "Everything Is Illuminated" is also. He can edit the anthology book writers have been inspired by Joseph Cornell, or talked about the Cornell work ,, When in the play speaking quite interesting is ... so, to his father's belongings and survey document is like Cornell of work, the scene in which the hero Oscar or a view from the bottom or walking around in NY, a place through which the train, Cornell overlap from memories of childhood in his work attitude ... chunky or biography is issued of Cornell, or have sold essay anthology of Shumikku, these days there is a growing Cornell of evaluation is in the world, this movie both like that link is also interesting ...)

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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