Shibuya culture project

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☆ "The Turin Horse" in February published ☆

I saw Tar Bella "Horse of Nietzsche". There is an episode that Nietzsche got crazy while holding the neck of one horse in the square of Turin. The latest work of Tar Bella inspired from there "Nietzsche horse". Father and daughter too desperate desire to go back to life six days. The neighboring town is destroyed, the wells are dying, the horses are lost their animals, the fires die, and the storm blows without mercy until the last day of six days. And in the end even that wind gets lost sinister.

(Previously Hijikata Tatsumi was a big house with nobody in agricultural work, the infant in Akita who was basked all day, had to make manure inside it, and when the family returns home in the evening, the legs are still bent and straight And outside it is only the sound of the wind that blows to the earth, no matter how much you cry, nobody will come, no matter how much the infant can not eat the sound of that wind ....)


Godard is jealous of how to make that movie, and Brad Pitt was highly acclaimed.

From February at Shibuya Image Forum.

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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