Shibuya culture project

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Kikuchi Formation Dub · Sextet
New Mode & Violence 2011 ★

2011 8.26fri. @ BLUE NOTE TOKYO
At the last BLUENOTE TOKYO, we prepared 20 bubbly red and white roses selected by Mr. Kikuchi and enjoyed the taste of enjoying musicals and wine marriage. Even so, it was a very rare attempt.
It is extremely unlikely that you are eating dark pots at a luxury jazz club and becoming a blindfold restaurant that music will start as soon as you are beginning to eat cuisine that came out this time. . . I would like to have more enjoyable looks (Blue Note site from Kikuchi Writer). . . So enjoying the wine that was selected with the main dish before playing begins, and then enjoy it slowly with the performance. . .

This time, Ms. Kikuchi listed "Mangalica Pig, Horohoro Bird, Argentine or Beef of Jeju Island · Tie of the Tuna of the Tail" as ingredients to BLUE NOTE TOKYO 's Grand Chef Shimizu, and the following FOOD MENU was born. (We are in the process of exchanging opinions, and finally it is still undecided until the day)

● This Tuna Salad Diabreen Style
● Domestic beef peach meat carpaccio with Tanba chestnut compote with sweet red pepper vinaigrette
● French Horohoro bird's Roti Foie Gras with its red meat with red wine
● Hungarian Manga Ritza Pork Lot of Roti with Ju and Basil Flavor Oil

Is the selected wine and cuisine before the performance start like the Esquises of the music which is starting from now by Mr. Kikuchi, or is it like the score of eating which was given in advance? Full full course! Full experience of Kikuchi style flower rhythm.
[1st] Open5:. 30 p.m Start7: 00 p.m.
[2nd] Open8:. 45 p.m Start9: 30 p.m.
以下のフォーマットをご記入の上 <>か <>にお申し込みください!!!
CHARGE 6.300YEN ☆菊地成孔ダブ・セクステット viviシートお申し込み☆
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Masato Suzuki (b) Masato Suzuki (bass) Masato Suzuki (piano, chaos · pad) Masato Suzuki (bass) Masato Suzuki (bass) Tamaya Honda (ds) Honda Yuya (drums) Pardon Kimura (real time dub effects) Paddon Kimura (real time dub effects)

Elizabeth Taylor memorial event by Ms. Kikuchi this year was held in bule note tokyo. At that time, I painted the image of Elizabeth Taylor, like decorating the venue during the performance. . . (Looking like this with the right eye from the hole of the CD of "Mr. Kikuchi's" Elizabeth Taylor of South America "looks like this.)

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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