Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

★★ Matthew Bourne "Swan Lake"
vivi sheet start accepting !!! ★★

いよいよマシュー・ボーンの『白鳥の湖』(6/9〜6/27@青山劇場)が5年ぶりの来日公演です!!! "Swan Lake" traditional women white and delicate wearing a tutu elegant image, too image is replaced by coating by director and choreographer Matthew Bourne, 95 years was surprised all over the world. There from the passed 15 years, performance of the legend in Japan will mark the third time. Production details (especially the last) is we have also continued to change.
Grown figure of the hero Billy S. Darudori the movie "Little Dancer" is, at the time also that it is the premiere of the protagonist Adam Cooper is played now topic.
Swan Officer Richard Windsor and Prince role of Sam Archer, Dominic North is of Matthew Bourne fair-haired boy. And therefore the performer by attention! Times to Jonathan Oh Rivie of this Swan role first participation is different, do not miss even a feature !!! This opportunity of this performance the repeater is often !!!

★ Matthew Bourne "Swan Lake" vivi sheet accept your application hope ★ (becoming one by each performance 10 seats for good seats. A first come, first served basis !!!)

☆ Your name:
☆ Address:
☆ telephone number stick of contact:
☆ and the dates of your choice:
☆ time zone:
☆ seat type (see below):
S seat 12.600 → 12.000. A seat 10.500 (discount no sorry!)
☆ number:

を記入の上キョードー東京 へ

注)メールでお申し込みフォーマットを返信頂いて、2日以内に振込詳細を返信させて頂きます。振込詳細返信日から、一週間の期限を過ぎた場合はキャンセル となります。ご注意ください。別途発送料金は600円かかります。入金後はキャンセルは出来ません。チケットのご発送は、入金確認後、チケットの準備がで きてからとなります。お申し込みに週間経ってもチケットが届かない場合はキョード東京03-3498-6666へご連絡くださいませ。

In addition, detailed inquiries about tickets
Kyodo Tokyo (until the river basin)

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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