Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

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Yesterday, we met in Daisuke Nishimura in an interview of BUNKA × PERSON. Nishimura, painter and editor, beside acting as WEB designer, versatile people who also worked as a musician. But I got the impression that the dyed-in-the-wool artist, originally has a mysterious background that had been the study of dementia at the University of Tokyo Graduate School, extends the story of an interview from the art to the physics, the intelligence unfathomed me feel.

その西村さんが今年2月に創刊した隔月刊のフリーペーパーが『SOMEONE'S GARDEN(サムワンズガーデン)』(偶数月20日発行)。現代アートを手がけるアーティストへのインタビューや作品の紹介などで構成され、さらに誌面には物理や生物など“理系”のメッセージが散りばめられています。とても力が入っていて、冊子自体がアートブックのような造り。などと、言葉で説明するよりも、誌面を見ていただくほうが早いでしょう。WebsitePlease be because back number are published, take a look by all means to. But after all, you only get the real thing if look carefully. Tower Records has been placed, such as in Shibuya and Aoyama Book Center, but because like a disappears immediately, the subscription is those who want to reliably get.


Editorial · Nino

1975 Kawasaki born. He is a man of the indoor school who love music and movies and drink and Suites.

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