Shibuya culture project

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Weekend Recommended Culture
Event information (8/7)

And clay animation to create in clay, in the world of stop-motion animation to shoot every one frame, the Czech Republic Jiří Trnka, Jan Švankmajer, and further Russian Yuriy Norshteyn are well known in Japan. From that take an enormous amount of time and budget than to make the animation cel, it may be said to have been quite difficult to make technique in the capitalist countries to seek a profit. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, as well as gives you the freedom and rights to many people, but also led to a situation that deprive the animation artists of the job. Socialism strict censorship is no longer there was the era, long-awaited, but came a time when make love freely work, on the other hand he was gone also environment itself that will support the animation production in. Precisely because there has been even more severe censorship, such as whether it how deception while put hidden political criticism to the work, it can not be denied that he had a major impact on work development that dissident spirit is excellent. 2005, feature film Czech animation masters, it is Jan Švankmajer and produced "LunacyAt the beginning of ", a scene which appeared Svankmajer himself speaks to the audience as" Art is dead commercialism ones to survive ... "is very impressive. Message that it is a work that skillfully painted something, "capitalism" and "communism" is not any perfect on its underlying Lunacy is a "free" a mental hospital on the stage with the "suppression" I conveyed that as, and I have caught so.

In the context of the lack of these funds, new animated feature to be 24 years of Mr. Jiří Barta, one of the Czech Republic anime industry heavyweights "Attic of Pomunenka"I am, Shibuya from August 1Euro SpaceIn has been published. Are discarded in the attic to appear, dolls and stuffed animals who were forgotten from human beings. Every day, in their original living happily laughing singing, suddenly, chief of evil appears, it is a popular person of the girl doll-Pomunenka taken away. The remaining colleagues, fantasy (details of adventure and love that ... you go on a journey to collect the power to help her, last week,VivianeSince Mr. has written a review,therePlease refer to).

Also CG animation is this era of prime, dare and hand-painted warm, have also begun to Japan of young artists to stick to simplicity. The spring of this year, Academy Award acquired Kato Kuni raw director in "The House of Small Cubes" a short animation award is the one of them. In "The House of Small Cubes", against the background of the environmental issues of global warming, the old man with an increased built a house to the top to the top as building blocks along with the sea-level rise, and important family in sank in water house heartwarming story that recalls the memories. While just 12 minutes 4 seconds of the short story, that the work that was hand-painted in one by one pencil, took about nearly a year of Years in production. It was supported this production is, he is a member of TV-CM and movie "Bayside Shakedown THE MOVIE", "ALWAYS - Sunset on Third StreetSome, such as the in the video production company within the "ROBOT" who worked "in-house unit" animation studio CAGE ". Anime making consuming production costs and huge production period things quite difficult in free. While it engaged in the work of the commercial work such as an advertisement, the other hand, strong creative activity of the writer of the environment and the place where it is well understood that there is a need in. From this Saturday (8/8), Kato Kuni raw supervision et al belongs in the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, to start the feature screenings of 20 short animation of that due to the "animation studio CAGE". "Attic Pomunenka" (Screening: Euro space) with, touch the world of strong writer of animation on this occasion, you wonder how can try to greatly stimulate the sensibility.

In addition, the recommended events and cultural information of the weekend, please see below.

◎ [Art]Environmental Exhibition "superb view"
place:Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya
Date and time: ~ 2009 November 8, fee: Free admission
Note: "garbage = Gobi". Through art, I want to opportunity to think about the garbage problem

◎ [Art]Georges Bigot Exhibition - ukiyo-e of blue eyes is kill the Meiji -
place:Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography
Date: August 23, 2009
Fee: General 800 yen / student 700 yen / junior and senior high school students, 65 years of age or older 600 yen
Note: known for cynical caricature, of Westernization that French painter Bigot saw Japan and is ...

◎ [movie]"The House of Small Cubes" and the world of animation studio CAGE
place:Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography
Date: August 8 to August 21, 2009
Fee: students and senior (over 60 years) 1,000 yen / junior high school and senior high school students 800 yen / elementary school or less free
NOTE: 8/8 stage greeting, scheduled to be held also Kato Director et al four of talk show to 8/15

◎ [movie]Table of the future
place:UPLINK X
Date: August 8, 2009 -
Rates: General 1800 yen / university and high school students 1500 yen / junior high school students, children and senior 1,000 yen
Note: The challenge in an attempt to organic school lunch in the village in the south of France! ... The future of the dining table of the way

◎ [movie]Flowers and soldier
place:Theatre Image Forum
Date: August 8, 2009 -
Rates: General 1800 yen / large 1,500 yen / high, medium and small, Sr. 1000 yen
Note: Not feedback soldiers of the documentary that was not Kaela in Japan. The do ... is a young coach of 30-year-old felt the what.

◎ [movie]Yamagata Scream
place:Human Trust Cinema culture village street
Date: August 1, 2009 -
Rates: General 1800 yen / student 1500 yen / Senior 1,000 yen
Note: runaway of Takenaka flow gag does not stop, B-grade horror comedy. Human beings, to say really laugh and scary ....

◎ [movie]The Baader Meinhof Complex
place:Cinema Rise
Date: July 25, 2009 -
Note: "United Red Army (Michi)" Similarly, realize the fear of mass hysteria.

◎ [movie]Triumph of the Will
place:Theater N Shibuya
Date: August 28, 2009
Rates: General 1800 yen / large 1,500 yen / high, medium and small, Sr. 1000 yen
Note: that the "ideal" and "madness" there is always next to each other, "Triumph of the Will", "Baader-Meinhof" tell.

◎ [movie]KIKOE
place:Euro Space
Date and time: ~ August 14
Rates: General 1700 yen / large and dedicated 1400 yen / Senior 1,200 yen / high 800 yen / junior high school students below 500 yen
NOTE: Svankmajer, Masao Adachi, Jonas Mekas, are intrigued just by looking at the name, such as Yamataka EYE.

Editorial department · Fuji Itakashi

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