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★ "Attic Pomunenka"
Vivienne Sato Review ★

Czech anime boom in Japan these days. The most popular author's Jan Švankmajer in Japan, the Czech Republic and due to the friends at home that tactics is raised both in name and reality in this Jiří Barta. Indeed the long-awaited 24 years new work of this masters, was born finally funded from Japanese companies.
Doll Pomunenka blonde wearing a hat. Attic of idle existence is it is good at her bake a cake every morning. Shuburuto nose ear with a pencil button, the clay work. Klason sense of justice strong Don Quixote. Anytime appetite and sleepiness is unusually bear stuffed Mucha. The old trunk that is no longer in the attic of the use, the four people had fun cheerful to live every day.
The middle, appeared human grandmother and the girl who lives downstairs, stories and junk our journey (time) is allowed to suspend. Human while have seen, there "human time" flows in, he flowing again "crap our time" and human beings can not stay. So the events of this attic is, but never the world that can not be seen peeping in the human.
During the difficult journey, floods and sheets flowing from the wardrobe, get caught in the rain of feathers that fall from there and pillows of clouds. He boarded a plane and a ship made of junk, wade through the sea of ​​the cartridge that would dyed and sometimes all black. And we finally are going on board to the evil empire of Flava.
And say the fun of the Czech Republic and Russia of live-action animation of up to now, complex fun there was in there. Creators of lifestyle and age is different from Japan, primarily many of those that are made for their own children, cuteness and music, and at the same time feel the freshness of the colors, the capital of modern Japanese culture there is a place to enjoy of the "difference" rather. However, in the case of the "attic Pomunenka", values ​​and era sensation is almost the same as those of today's Japan. Rather than as an unknown of different cultures, would imperceptibly Mii' as the story of the life-size. Here's a different place greatly from the Czech animation of until now.Come out from the beginning of the story, "Whose birthday game today." If you get eye per dice, it means that the person's birthday, things that'll make the celebration. Have everyone looking forward to the cake to make every morning of Pomunenka. This play is a play of the famous children in the Czech Republic, that the attic of the toys we have become addicted to this play, interesting. Toys who do not know the "birthday (date of manufacture)" of their own will, later abandoned from human beings, become junk. "Birthday (date of manufacture)" do not know the crap we are stretched even the "anniversary (disposal date)" at the same time, or it would not even than being forgotten is also from humans.
In addition, Pomunenka of late heroine of the story is growth, which is Pomunenka of "real" becomes not know of. Currently many toys Unlike the handmade one point ones, are distributed as an industrial product mass-produced goods. Pomunenka of the same type is not what wonder also be present lot. But the fact that a lot of Pomunenka is present, it once also the fact that there is only a few exactly the same human girls would have been the owner of the toy us. Only a few of the reality of the girl that is the heroine of the story exist. It it is anyone can become a heroine more than a girl, it is also the right thing can play the hero of the story.

And a big key on this work representation is the two as "time", "mirror (frame)".
The first one of the time is that flowing in the play of "time". World attic of toys we unfolds on its own is, touch the anger of "God (assuming)", which borrowed the form of a time pocket watch. This scene is to suggest the end to be stretched its natural environment surrounding our planet and the universe. Suddenly when there we also a variety of life and history of human beings, big whim providence is changed by the "God", that might would have been swept away without any trace. There should be called the big absolute "God" is present in the form of "attic of God." That dominate the "time" in the play as "God", ie it emerges as a motif of "water".
On the other hand, the nature of live-action animation, there is an enormous amount of "time" spent with effort in the technique, which is one frame at a time shooting. In the work of higher-boggling of feeling that be finished only a few seconds after taking one day, it finished movie is also said that the compression of the effort and the enormous "time".
Animation of etymology animism. It is a work that breathes "life". So to speak includes alchemy connotation, but I have been to what was indeed alive dolls of movement and facial expressions, conscious / passion for that capture the "time" in the video, not stop that the stay of the "water" seen what the representation method. "Drop" of water dripping from a faucet, "rebellion" of the river, which consists of sheets, dripping due to feather "rain", raging cartridge that would dyed all in jet-black "Black Sea". Speaking of Renaissance giants Leonardo were also obsessed expression of "water". He is around is famous, which has pursued the military, and the movement of the water itself life from flood control. That re-captured to understand the essence of the "water", by which have been carried out repeatedly from the Renaissance in art history, is anatomically possible to understand the "time (dynamic)" of the world. To the various representations of the "water" in the "attic of Pomunenka", it has appeared in there has its own interpretation of the "time" of the director.
And "mirror (frame)". "Mirror" is similar to the "window" is a separate entrance in the world, taken. "Window" in the play "mirror" and of the room, "car window" of the train, ever-the world of the frame of a variety of different dimensions, such as figure fly airplanes were captured "canvas" appears. Another world be irretrievably sensible from there is not a live-action animation, or was the plane animation, he or an oil painting. Different representation of this dimension are Arawawa also be that there is a completely different another dimension to the outside of the frame. Here also seen involvement side of the metaphor with our world.
But although I of course that is also the dimension of the representation comes Standing sensible dividing figure also changed if different, the underlying feeling that what I do not think the dolls in other people's affairs than, beyond the form and expressions visible, junk us or "heart" of is similar to how our intangible "heart" to extra accentuate brought notice that is.

Published at Shibuya Euro Space than 8/1.

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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