Shibuya culture project

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☆ Vivian Sato recommended movie
"Man On Wire" ☆

★The Strange Fate of the WTC, or the Story of First Love in the WTC★
NY's WTC was an important stage in the modern 20th century. Or it is no exaggeration to say that the 21st century began there. Due to the structure of the twin tower, the mirror image itself reflected in the mirror itself, the result of the 767 jumbo made by Boeing colliding and collapsing became a trauma common throughout the world at the same time. In 1974, when the twin tower was completed, there was a man who crossed the wires with wires on the north and south towers. Philip Petit. French. This is a documentary on the WTC tightrope that is the ultimate goal of a man who has been walking in various places around the world.
His attitude of always performing without permission is as if terrorism itself.
The airplane, which was invented for the purpose of flying, was eventually replaced by the purpose of "passenger" and "transport" (Boeing produced the B29 Enola Gay with a Little Boy). The person who gets on the plane falls into the illusion that he is not flying. On the other hand, modern architecture does not have a specific place, it looks as if it does not exist there, but it continues to have symbolism.
Petit is not a man who walks to go somewhere, but a man who exists for the purpose of walking.
The video that the WTC collapses has become the most famous in the last 100 years. However, this movie never touches the “9/11” case, and it carefully reflects the appearance of WTC's conception and growth in Manhattan.
The left side of the screen shows the WTC being built. The right side of the screen shows Petit's child becoming a tightrope teacher from childhood. This is a typical wedding performance in recent times. If the incident of “9/11” is an unfortunate “meeting / heart” between a modern American jumbo and skyscraper, the 1974 tightrope incident depicted in this movie is an ideal “mariage” . This documentary is the story of the strange fate of another main character, WTC, and WTC's first love.
Man on wire

Venue:Shibuya Theata-NAt
Date: July 11, 2009-July 31, 2009

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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