Shibuya culture project

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Featured this weekend
Culture event information (5/29)

This year, bunkamura is celebrating its 20th anniversary, PARCO is at its 40th anniversary, and this is a major milestone for Shibuya's culture. In 1969, when the first store, Ikebukuro Parco, was founded, Apollo 11 was the first mankind to land on the moon in the world, and Japan was booming after the Tokyo Olympics. Furthermore, the whole Japan was filled with dreams and hopes for the Osaka version Expo held in 1970 the following year. It was at that time when Kenji-kun, a boy from the 20th century, was building a secret base. Shibuya PARCO was born in 1973, and since then, the culture and fashion centered on young people have blossomed at once, creating the “Shibuya” that is today. A special exhibition "PARCO 40th anniversary TOKYO 1969", which looks back on the youth's cultural scene at that time, will be held at Shibuya Parco starting this Saturday. During the exhibition period, media producer Naoki Tachikawa will be the host, and a talk show of creators and artists who know the movement at the time will be held. For young people who do not know that time, Daido Moriyama's photo work, Aki Uno's event poster, woodstock images, etc. will surely be a great stimulus.

On the other hand, “Bunkamura” has a great presence in Shibuya as an adult cultural center. 1989, when Bunkamura was born, was an era when it was supported by the bubble economy, just like 1969 when Parco was born. It was a time when the Emperor Showa collapsed and the year changed from "Showa" to "Heisei", and a big change was required in Shibuya. Bunkamura, which consists of four facilities: “Orchard Hall”, “Theater Cocoon”, “The Museum” and “Le Cinema”, was a epoch-making complex cultural facility where you can enjoy high-quality music, theater, art and movies. It was a thing. This year, 20 years after its opening, this year's Bunkamura's history exhibition “Bunkamura's Trail Exhibition” will be held. The first part, “From the concept of 1984-1989 to the opening performance”, which introduces the process from the conception of Bunkamura in 1984 to its founding in 1989, begins at Bunkamura Gallery from June 4.

The bubble economy is often negatively viewed, but given the history of today's Shibuya culture being supported by the good economy, it cannot be ruled out.
Now, what kind of culture will be born in Shibuya 40 years after PARCO's founding, 20 years since Bunkamura's founding, and this year with a "9" at the end of the year...

In addition, the recommended events and cultural information of the weekend, please see below.

◎ [photo exhibition]"Travel" Part 1 "The 19th Century Journey to the East"
place:Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography
Date: ~ ~ July 12, 2009
Fee: General 500 yen / student 400 yen / junior and senior high school students, 65 years of age or older 250 yen
Note: Bakumatsu-Meiji, exhibiting photographs for foreigners visiting Japan. Hand-painted photographs are just art!

◎ [Art]PARCO 40th anniversary TOKYO1969
Date and time: May 29-June 15, 2009 10:00-21:00
Fee: General 300 yen, students 200 yen, elementary school or less free
Note: Commemorating Parco's 40th anniversary, it features 1969 when subculture exploded.

◎ [Art]Bunkamura 20th Anniversary Project "Bunkamura's Trail Exhibition"
place:Bunkamura Gallery
Date: June 4th to June 10th, 2009 (? part: 1984-1989 From concept to opening performance)
Price: Free admission Memo: A base where adult culture takes root in Shibuya. Kazumi Kushida's talk show will be held on June 9th

place:Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya
Date: May 30, 2009-July 20, 2009
Rates: Free admission
Memo: Art unit "MIHOKANNO" of 9 people, naming like you have heard somewhere?

◎ [movie]DAIGEI FILM AWARD 2009 in TOKYO
place:Euro Space
Date: 30th May to 5th June 2009
Fee: daigei workshop 700 yen/special screening 500 yen/graduation work, industry-academia drama free
Memo: Kazunori Kumakiri, Atsuhiro Yamashita, and other talents at Osaka University of the Arts. Admission is free for 35 graduated works in 2008! !!

◎ [movie]Non-girls pictorial book
place:Shibuya Theater TSUTAYA
Date: May 30, 2009-Fee: General: 1800 yen/Large/High: 1500 yen/Small/Medium/Senior: 1000 yen
Note: An omnibus movie that depicts a girl who is honest with herself. Should boys see it or not?

◎ [movie]Experiment 4 It's a small world
place:Human Trust Cinema Shibuya
Date: 30th May to 5th June 2009
Fee: 1,000 yen uniform
Memo: A miracle collaboration between Kotaro Isaka and Atsuhiro Yamashita. It's 1,000 yen for 41 minutes, so don't hesitate to watch it when you return to work.

◎ [movie]Romantic people
place:Theatre Image Forum
Date: May 30, 2009 ~
Price: General: 1800 yen Large: 1500 yen High, medium, small · Senior: 1000 yen
Note: For those who are a little tired looking for a return to the origin, I will prescribe a youth movie with the scent of the Japanese Mannman school.

◎ [movie]ROOKIES- graduation -
place:Shibuhigashi Shinetawa
Date: May 30, 2009 ~
Price: General: 1800 yen Large/High: 1500 yen Junior high school students or younger/Senior: 1000 yen
Note: You shouldn't think this kind of youth is difficult! Just run and get hot in the drama!

Editorial department · Fuji Itakashi

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