Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Vivian Ms. Recommended
I went to "tightrope walk"!

I went to Shibuya today to see Philippe Petit 's acrobatics by coming to see the vivian' s blog earlier.

¡Vivian's blog post
"★ ★ Vivian Sato recommend" Man on the wire "practice tightrope! ★ ★"

Born in 1949, Mr. Petit is a French street performer who has been tightrope for world famous architecture such as World Trade Center in New York from his 20's. This time for the purpose of public promotion of documentary "Man on Wire" (directed by James Marsh) who pursued Petit's half-life. The work is a topical work that has won the academy award long documentary category this year, and it is said that it will be released sequentially from Theatrical Times Square from 13th June.

Well, at 12 o'clock, Petit appears on a unicycle.

When you take out a map and check the place on the back of the Cerulean Tower, you will induce the audience who was stopping and stopping their legs with comical acting.First of all, we showed juggling using gymnastic balls. While making it "fail" and laughing, we will manipulate the ball with dexterity with serious expression.And the tightrope of attention. I made a rope around the tree trunk, completed 4 meters in length and 1 meter in height "instantly" instantly, I changed my shoes and was on top of the rope. Mr. Petit will come over there! !

After this we will show off juggling again on the rope.
I have seen it in crazy and there are no pictures ... (Sorry!)

Also in the venue is Mr. Matsu Yuu familiar with the bloggers voice.

◯ Matsu Yu Mr. Petit was also on the blog!

Vivian, who appeared in the park with a colorful wig in a fine yellow pants suit, was being messed with hair by Petit san during performance!
"Man - on - Wire" It would be nice to be open to the public in Shibuya.

Editorial Yokota

Born in 1980, Kanagawa prefecture. Shibuya since he moved to Tokyo in the period in the university is a sacred place of culture. While now belong to the Shibuya culture project editing unit, is the straw sandals life of two feet to act as a caregiver.

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