Shibuya culture project

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Featured this weekend
Culture event information (4/17)

Even in the city more than 25 ℃ to record the "summer day", reached the perfect season to finally outdoor festivals and events.
At the end of this week, a large is showing an upsurge Japan's largest environmental event "Earth Day Tokyo 2009" to every follow year will be held in the center of the Yoyogi Park. Every year, the Earth Day concert Big artists appeared, already Keiichi Sokabe, starring Seiko Ito et al. Are determined.
Above all, Ms. Seiko Ito is, last year, were carried out in the same live "poetry reading to protest the Myanmar military government" has attracted a great topic, this year, do a poetry reading to mourn the beat Nick poet Nanao Sakaki, who died last year thing with. Likely the hottest of the stage!

In addition, "slum dog $ Millionaire" Danny Boyle, who won the Academy Award 8 department in the movie, such as "milk" of Sean Penn appeared, also screenings of blockbuster towards GW jostling.

Earth Day Tokyo 2009
place:Yoyogi parkMeiji Jingu, Shibuya, Harajuku other
Date: April 18, 2009 - April 19, 2009
Rates: Free admission
Management: Earth Day Tokyo 2009 Executive Committee
Note: once Japan's largest-scale environmental events in one year.

◎ [photo exhibition]- To make a Asa Kino photo exhibition green green ~ detention facilities in Harajuku
Date and time: ~ April 20, 2009
Rates: Free admission
Note: Movies taken Harajuku the landscape of the construction of detention facilities for three years

◎ [Art]Funakoshi KatsuraShin work Print Exhibition
place:Bunkamura Gallery
Date: April 18, 2009 to April 26,
Rates: Free admission
Note: Print Exhibition of popular sculptor Katsura Funakoshi in a unique beings.

◎ [movie]Slum Dog Millionaire $
place:Shinesezon Shibuya
Date: April 18, 2009 -
Rates: General: 1800 yen, large, dedicated and high: 1500 yen, medium- and small-senior: 1000 yen
NOTE: The Academy Award 8 Winner of the blockbuster.

◎ [movie]milk
place:Cinema Rise
Note: The film depicts a gay politician life to combat discrimination

◎ [movie]Times of Harvey Milk
place:UP LINK X
Rates: On the day 1,500 yen, student 1,300 yen, senior 1,000 yen (※ weekday student discount 1,000 yen)
Note: The documentary that followed the activities and assassination of milk

◎ [movie]Tits Valley
place:Shibuya TOEI1
Date: April 18, 2009 -
Rates: General: 1800 yen, large-height: 1500 yen, medium- and small-senior: 1000 yen
NOTE: If you won the game, the teacher is to show us the tits! ?

Editorial department · Fuji Itakashi

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