Shibuya culture project

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★ "Harufuwei"

Popular playwright, Eriko Kitagawa's first director. Shunji Iwai, work of Takeshi Kobayashi produced. Kitagawa director is likened to that of the Tamori and Fujio Akatsuka the relationship between the Shunji Iwai. Vividly Iwai method from the screen, comes through respect for Iwai. And music Takeshi Kobayashi · Salyu. And the stage is school. Would not anyone not help but remind the "All About Lily Chou-defend" If me this way. But after you've painted it as barely a painfully world, I wonder can do to take the high school students like being anywhere other refreshing. Of course, "Lily -" is also a story that is everywhere in Japan now.
Kitagawa initially, seems to have approached the director Iwai. But It was not quite finished a person of vision, Iwai is not may have been necessary is still kneading and time to do it in earnest. . .
Kie Kitano, Masaki Okada, Narimiya Hiroki, most Takao Osawa ,, dialogue that's ad-lib. Thereby probably we were able to put out the shade of reasonable document-style natural. .
Sweet and sour memories of high school with experience to anyone. World is not only filled with desperate and neurosis. Come to note that such a modest flowers everywhere is he is in bloom.

Beginning, soap bubbles are flying two. Two hit by crack scene. Scene that cracked before you hit. Scene flying only one. Human encounter also almost depends on the physical or scientific factors in the same way as these soap bubble.
Chemical change of the inner surface of the human beings you've met that love is, it can be said that the same natural phenomenon and the deep red of salmon ascending the river becomes the autumn leaves and autumn to dye the land of this Otaru.
A love story each other whisper in this dry river bed, every year Otaru of nature and birch trees and the sky is the have been seen.
Indeed screenplay is excellent, there are adults that will advice as two people of the hero suit mirrors. . Symmetry structure. For example, two people there is a scene to talk on a mobile from his room of each. Afternoon Hilo (Kitano) room is filled with sunlight in the west. On the other hand, the room of oxalic (Okada) has been dominated by the shadow in the east. If you are talking at the same time, the same sun is showing a completely different face. One of the biggest themes of this is Iwai world. It has been presented that the perception by the number of multi-faceted character exists in a certain event. Sometimes "fireworks", "money", "city", "of a certain band CD (the song)" ,,,. And try to draw the essence from around than itself itself all. In this poster steel, there are things that two people hero from one of the iPod is listening to music at the same time. One of the events at the same time two people catch. This photo is symbolic.

In other recent movies are introduced assumption of several ways that "If ,,", fatalism is often talked about. However, the reality is not exist any such assumption. Life is because of a long take one cut of the length of a lifetime worth of take one shot. . .

ps By the way, Mr. Iwai is the senior of my high school.


Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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