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Genius Party

Tekkonkinkreet, Animatrix,Mind gameEtc., continue to create many masterpieces, animation production company "STUDIO4 ℃" the latest work of the representative of Japan, "Genius Party"I went to the premiere of.

Although anime was firmly established as Japanese culture, which boasts the world, among others, works of STUDIO4 ℃ has a higher quality by far the group, every time to see, you show me the world of beyond imagination animation.

By this time of the "Genius Party" is top animator creators 7 people representing Japan, short omnibus work collection. Character design, such as a story, all have been made to the original concept of the original. This time gathered creators ...

1. GENIUS PART / Atsuko Fukushima
2. Shanghai Dairyu / Kawamori Shoji
3. De stick Four / Shinji Kimura
4. Door chime / Yoji Fukuyama
5. LIMIT CYCLE / Hideki Ichon
6. Dream machine / Masaaki Yuasa
7. BABY BLUE / Shinichiro Watanabe

From those of the type that look cool only the video, until the painful youth story, how are deployed one after another, just animation of the party! In addition, points can not be overlooked luxury of cast and staff. "BABY BLUE" work eyes of 7, in the work that the men and women of the painful love of high school students on the theme, had played the hero the two of, and Yagira Yuya's won the Cannes Film Festival Best Actor Award, Academy Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role also still fresh in our minds Kikuchi Rinko's nomination. Director also acting that pushed the hallmark and "put out the presence alone voice" is superb. In addition, the music, Boredoms, etc. or have Seiichi Yamamoto is involved is active in ROVO, video and music collaboration, very luxury. Exactly the place, such as animation for adults. Anime is a little weak, some people, thought to have been cheated but please take a look at once by all means!

I thoroughly good appreciation alone, and went to see a friend and lover, maybe Which may be the talk or liked. By the way, this project is, the second installment is also the case's production plans, but the next is also looking forward to.

Published, from July 7, 2007 (Saturday),Shibuya Cine AmuseIn addition, it is scheduled to be loaded sequentially show the public nationwide.

Editorial · K

1980 Born in Tokyo. Of the center line culture grew up, hardcore culture system. But recently, we started the hot yoga for women's power up.

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