Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

★★ 10/31 (fri)

I One of the questions I Vivienne Sato of Dora Aku Queen receives most of the year there is that "Where to spend Halloween?". NARZIB of the answer is stylish and fun weekend of the party is this I !!! in the most worst of this year 10/31 (FRI) @ TRUMP HOUSE (Shibuya Tokyu Plaza back). The theme is "HORROR VACUI (fear of emptiness)". Image ,,, Poland of ruins painter:. Z Bekushinsuki, the anti-Christ of the photographer: JP Witkin, the movie "pianist" M. Haneke, Adolf Verufuri and R. Heineken, di Amanda Gallas, Steppenwolf, Dostoevsky "basement of the memoir ",,, Halloween comes out on Halloween hate I have for the first time in several years.


Hosted by Gallermic, Vivienne Sato & TFR Yarimanchinz
At Trump House (B1 + opening 2nd floor)
Entry- 3000Yen
* We reserve the right of admission or to request a dresscode fee
Live Show by Trippple Nippples (striking back from the Underworld !!!!!!!!)
Show off by Cupid, Celestina and Pandarus (red their mythologic biography)
Dinasour Floor [B1 - Adult]: allon, Soft&Hard, Punkadelix, Anita san+Kaskay, TFR
Creature Floor [2F - Youth]:. Phi, Yatt, Juliken (MGK), FANCYboys, Death is not my aim, Candy
Open 10P
Door Bitch:
Wowsugi & Igalliano
Ciao for now,

Ps Have a look on our website for more information, dresscode hints et al ..

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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