Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Cai ★ Calendar part


Turning in October, I get notice of schedule books and calendars.

Pass autumn, check cranes!

Sonipura was full of cute notebooks, but I bought a monthly type calendar that I can see at a glance the schedule of work at this year too! Let this place on the desk of the house and check it at any time. It is a staple of our house, but only the color of the cover is playfully made with pop pink.

In LOFT, every year the familiar "almost day diary" corner has been colored in 2009 colors. Almost everybody knows that "almost a day notebook" is a super diary made with "almost daily Itoi newspaper".
It's simple, but a little bit. Something very good, not to mention ease of use.
It is a hit item of LOFT that everyone from common people and celebrities such as me use together.

I also bought a notebook and I am not a faction, I bought it for the past three consecutive years.
It is because it is a magical notebook that at the beginning of the notebook the goal of that year is written in bullets is a form of some form. (There is no ground though it is a private lucky item) Instead of writing with greed, I empty my mind and just write it ... Here is the point.

Contents are very simple in 2009 edition. Although playfulness has declined more than before, the purpose of the notebook original is pursued, and it has been improved to a good condition. Easy to see, not shiny ... It is superior to the eyes. I get such an impression. It seems easy to spread or spread.

The point of this time is with a quick-looking table of full age. Year, year, age, zodiac is obvious. I am one of Mr. Shirarimasu I always have a compatibility with men of seven reds Mr. Ui, S50 born, marked S41 a.m. This is very convenient because it checks S51 and s42 of Rokka in sub. 2009 is a place where you can expect the notebook effect.

Unfortunately the cover version of the 2009 version seems to be a lot of standard color and not my taste. I wanted to use the beige cover of 2007 with patience of purple and pink notebook covers of last year, but it seems time is when I want it. For a while, I will use this beige and I will think about the 2009 spring version of the pattern cover.

It is a little fast, I hope next year will be good too ~ ~ ~.


★★★★★★ Here a little announcement ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We will open shops in Frima of Meiji Park on 10/25.
I will not do much, but I will sell you bang bang at a low price less than ¥ 500, so please do come and join us if you are free! ! ! !

Photo: Monthly & near-day notebook
Photo: 2/21
A little nice kanji on each page ~ There is a bullshit story.
For the time being, check my birthday!

Shibuya? Illustrator · yummy

 1972年生まれ。渋谷区で小中時代をすごし、鮭のようにまたもどってきました。フラ、サーフィン、ホットヨガ、散歩、買い食い、妄想など趣味にふりまわされちょいゆる生活実行中。Personal blog

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