Shibuya culture project

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Summer beer is a father mood

Hot to, that the story met with people lazy ... troublesome Hey.

But because the ginger not even say such a thing, for the time being to drink.

I feel Shibuya Central Street. INOKASHIRA LINE Guard ~ It is the area behind Tokyu Plaza. Mark City was created, and it is a zone that makes you feel "old-time Shibuya" barely with a lot of dad's smell in Shibuya, though it is completely reckless.

Long ago ... 246 Nomukou coast, had Kayo' in elementary school at the back of the Cerulean Tower. Classmate that your parents are business around this many, was or went to play in the house.

Classmate that would moved to when it comes to high school students about different selling There is also estate that across the bubble land seems there were many. No House of the relationship of was good friends, but you have now turned into completely clean standing the IT system of the building, where the block is why of its time in the air is alive and well.

To children sincerity, figure dad who is going to eliminate poured the day-to-day of trouble at the beer in silently Kemu' was hot air overflows seat up to the street, was somehow "scary" things like do not touch .
Come to to me at the time, it is that yourself in the district can not be exactly the imagination, such as "appearance to drinking beer."

Shibuya is also have our family that the mother had spent his childhood is a city of edge. Per above is now at the residence of Koen-dori is so it found no nothing much can not imagine, but Shibuya Station neighborhood at the time seems to have been dark already bustling zone of post-war color.
As I have felt the landscape of elementary school at that time through the current of the central city, the mother may be I think you're looking at the landscape that whale meat is piled up in the naked light bulb. Speaking of the generation gap is up to it, but women of good age at that place, yet you will not believe his daughter is drinking.
Place this around here want to keep you dare say.

But, yourself would calm to Myo ~ ~ ~ in Shibuya feeling of this area ...
We drink a beer in knob Rebanira today.
Photo: Charmy
Contrary to the contents, and or try to put such cute sweets.
Soft new sense of shaved ice, such as from Taiwan to the fresh snow. Whats in mango sauce fluffy milk taste. Delicious! Tokyu goodwill city at special. It seems to come out until early August.

Shibuya? Illustrator · yummy

 1972年生まれ。渋谷区で小中時代をすごし、鮭のようにまたもどってきました。フラ、サーフィン、ホットヨガ、散歩、買い食い、妄想など趣味にふりまわされちょいゆる生活実行中。Personal blog

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