Shibuya culture project

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PFF Grand Prix announcement!

Current,Shibuya TokyuAt, Independent Film Festival to be organized by the "Pia""Pia Film Festival"There has been held. 25 days yesterday, awards ceremony to announce the winners from among the "Selected Works of PFF" 15 installment that has been screened every day from 19 days has been carried out.

It was awarded the impressive Grand Prix, Mr. Masahide Ichii, who directed the "defenseless".

"Defenseless" is, work in the computer controlled plastic parts of the factory, "Ritsuko" is the main character works. Although the sort out the defective drive is the girlfriend of work, Ritsuko is true of "defective" is not thought to themselves, and the vividness of human life, and the inorganic atmosphere of the factory, lush countryside surrounding it the contrast of the landscape is the brilliant work.

Also "defenseless" also in addition to the Grand Prix and won the "Technology Award", "GyaO Award". By the way, Ichii-san, have won the "Falcon" or "Technology Award", "Audience Award", "Second Prize" in 2006. It "two eyes" and became this time of Technology Award, but Mr. Ichii is the trophy in 2006, has commented that "was donated to Seki-kun, who was in charge of the camera." But before the filming of "defenseless" of this time begins, Seki-san's so discarding the trophy he received as "because riding in tone and have this." Mr. Ichii was clog the words as "So also I would like to give this to Seki-kun."Then, when that was awarded the Grand Prix, when Mr. Ichii was standing in front of the microphone, the baby crying in the back of the venue.
In fact, in this movie it appeared the actual "birth" scene. First place I thought I would take a "defenseless" is likely pregnancy of Ichii's wife was triggered. Ichii's the "look at the back of the pregnant wife, remember Takumashi of" is, "woman of strength, Takumashi of, delicacy, suppleness, fear" and will Osameyo to the film of "defenseless" I was working on production. In other words, the baby was crying a little while ago is, Ichii's own children who were born in the movie. The timing is good.

In this examination According to the people of the final jury comments, about whom to give the Grand Prix, that of the "Everyone was apart of opinion". In this time of the PFF, the more talented receive enough. Mr. Ichii, which won the Grand Prix, Grand Prix semi of Sowate (sleeve) Yukiko's, and other have seen all 16 people winning coaches each person's facial expressions, award that again PFF is, how meaningful to independent filmmakers it was felt or award of the with an awards ceremony.

Editorial Yokota

Born in 1980, Kanagawa prefecture. Shibuya since he moved to Tokyo in the period in the university is a sacred place of culture. While now belong to the Shibuya culture project editing unit, is the straw sandals life of two feet to act as a caregiver.

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