Shibuya culture project

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Shibuya record store explore

Ladies and gentlemen, do you buy the record?
One after another record store from Shibuya, the like bookstores slide into withdrawal, does not go to the translation that consider adding another finger. I would like to introduce to see the fold the record store etc to be worried about the future.

The other day, I mentioned glanced at blog of 6/8 days, I visited jazz record shop in the "disk land · JARO" in coverage of the hat. I'm Are there such chance. I wonder was called the God of the record and possibly.
When the little walk from the station of the intersection is this impressive sign you will see (Photo 1).Record store appearance of store is important, more than half of the store of charm if you look at the sign and the entrance will come transmitted. What about, or do not have drifts atmosphere treasures record comes out crunch (Photo 2).Analog record and crowdedly place in the store of the area 2 square meters have been display (Photo 3).Not so-called standard jazz names board only, this shop of charm to find club youth of DJ coveted panel is Innovation Polo. Something minor board of Europe, you can get cheaper than the market price.
Analog, let alone these days are exposed to the fury of even music distribution on CD. Rather than throw away listening to the music, it is what you want more and more people with a margin to listen carefully.

Shinichi Takahashi (photographer)

Independence as a free-lance photographer than 98 years. Currently, active in, such as magazines and books · CD jacket. In addition, music-related, overseas travelogue, energetically writing the document article such as in magazines and books as a writer.

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