Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Shibuya jam session vol.17
Kashiwagi Rie exhibition Shibuya GALLERY YM

From April 21 to 26 days, of the painter Kashiwagi Rie exhibition "gift from Precioso over the earth" is, Shibuya Jingumae"Gallery YM"In was held (Photo 1). 柏木さんはフランスやラテンアメリカをモチーフに旺盛な創作活動を続けているアーティスト。個展のタイトルであるプレシオソとは、スペイン語で“尊い”という意味。メキシコの市場に積まれた果実等、食をテーマとしたアクリル画が展示されました。
Charm of her paintings of realistic strength and good sense is impossible without living together (Photo 2, 3). 生命力に満ちたラテンアメリカの人と風景、そして食を活き活きと描いています。

And Mr. Kashiwagi, she was production, this year's calendar, which people of the street has become a motif to live in Mexico (Photo 4.5). 最近では絵画活動のみならず、カフェやレストランのディスプレイも制作している柏木さん。昨年高円寺にオープンしたベトナム料理店『オ=センティック』の壁を彩る絵画も、彼女の手によるものだ。
Kashiwagi-san has held a solo exhibition in constant at 1-2 times the pace of a year. I hope her next work that they earnestly draw a picture is spared a moment's leisure.

Gallery HP

Shinichi Takahashi (photographer)

Independence as a free-lance photographer than 98 years. Currently, active in, such as magazines and books · CD jacket. In addition, music-related, overseas travelogue, energetically writing the document article such as in magazines and books as a writer.

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