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Chocolate Oompa Loompa

What I Valentine?
Does not have a remarkably since the feeling is while evil pass the chocolate to senior liked at the time of the junior high school. But there is no resentment in chocolate at all, I love rather! We earnestly a tasting of chocolate every year, while the performance of "pretend in doubt which one to buy." Up to 2/14 is I'm such a nice day you can taste the chocolate shook Daiude. Chocolate that was decided in MY Grand Prix gift to yourself. Surprised while writing on your own, perfect aunt ....

Shibuya of the city of this year will be in late January also began to broke out chocolate war.
So heart this time grab chocolate introduction.
To buy in Sarugaku Festival in November is completely entered the bag of wool of pepper that has become a fan "Ahichoko" 840 yen. Meaning that pepper in Ecuador and Ahi. In the Maya civilization it seems there was a drinking habits put a boiled red pepper cocoa as "love of aphrodisiac."
Unlikely to chocolate contains substances that make endorphins in the brain. In the brain within the narcotics and endorphins, I heard out when you are the ingredients ... love that bring pleasure, and think so "love of aphrodisiac" of passing is no wonder story.
Be in the Hula I have heard and heard the material comes out, it is the strongest Once while eating Ahichoko → the hula → in love. (I think that there is no harm to the body, but attention also eating too much to enjoy at your own risk!)
By the way, aside, please flowed since the meaning was was ... no relationship like the yellowfin tuna I checked the "Ahi" in Hawaiian ....

I What about more of the taste ~ ~ ~! I was feeling, but rough surprising? It also firmly delicious taste of chocolate, will be the last remaining Piriri habit. Taste you want to cherish cherish eat.

In Shibuya it has been placed in the grass roots-san. Sold out again I went to the shop, but I am looking forward so that immediately to stock. In netSlow Water CafeYou can also know the background in chocolate at. (Please check also this "Ahichoko" is those who are interested so like had been introduced blog of Utada Hikaru-chan.)
Different from the chocolate to be eaten, but was very active in the gift of the last year of ChristmasKiss chocolate lip. I fell in love with looks. Smell strong lip I was gingerly purchase because it is not good, but, good in a slightly chocolate taste. It is lip of becoming want to brag to your friends. I buy in Shibuya LOFT. Stick type of Hershey is I maintain kana good for chocolate Holic men.

And women who do not even women who are in love also Ayaka' to "happy material", is here try enjoying one chocolate as their own fun?
Men of everyone, but please bear in mind Nde chocolate ... a little good women in the favorite in-law has been purchased by the very thought. (And thank you to return)

Shibuya? Illustrator · yummy

 1972年生まれ。渋谷区で小中時代をすごし、鮭のようにまたもどってきました。フラ、サーフィン、ホットヨガ、散歩、買い食い、妄想など趣味にふりまわされちょいゆる生活実行中。Personal blog

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