Shibuya culture project

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Flea market of Meiji Park

Last week Sunday, was being invited to a friend try to opened to free market of Meiji Park. What was warm cheerfully invited to spend in one piece shirt, the venue is a success the first time to the extent not Hairikira the exhibitors, it was also provides another venue for the extraordinary.

Since the friend who put out to sell a lot of expensive clothes designer, get tens of thousands of yen in early start. Not to know or under is taking much, but it is heavy trading, not think very Flea Market.
One I was faces in the content of 50 books · CD50 sheets this. But, although the people who stop your feet on the passing are many, not stretched quite sales. I think because it is the field of personal hobby is divided. Still in mind you want to reduce the luggage of return is late, "If you buy one CD, the two services without exception", etc., as a result of the beating selling Yakeppachi, was sold about 7000 yen. It has disappeared in cheers for good work meeting of the night.

Toma, but was such a result, surely also there was a harvest of non-sales. In particular, it is a human-watching was fun. Toka beautiful older sister that is why over the collar to white pig, Toka grandpa decided systemic military look, too Toka older brother of amiable good a decade ago of tightness style. So you a variety of people who have been living in Tokyo. Black Bob that was opened next to the booth, it was quite a nice guy. "No Customer!" And has had lamented many times, I mean, Bob, that item is probably no matter how you look at it Battamon ....

Also to act Okidashi early Sunday morning, it sometimes has good mood. Holiday without the guilt that was doodling To uselessly spent, was a day that was able to enjoy a refreshing spring of weather.

Editorial · Nino

1975 Kawasaki born. He is a man of the indoor school who love music and movies and drink and Suites.

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