Shibuya culture project

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It was opened in front of the public bath,
Alley back patisserie


According to the fortune-telling is Yamamoto of the first year peak of life. This year, it's the seems to peak of life next year, without presage have at all! Mamama, or over will go at one's own pace .... When was always of recent (?) Reported. We will introduce a new patisserie, which opened in Yoyogihachiman today! Was opened on December 22, "Aluette" is located just a great location on one of the alley from Yoyogihachiman. By the way, the eyes of previous public bath and Italian. Combination That's funny alley.
Small and simple takeout only store of the store there is a baked goods and confectionery showcase only. Both were surprised to some types about 15 species! I because it is very I make kind.
Person of confectionery is Mumuu. Although all it is small cut to square stylish, small! Wonder if slightly higher than the small to 340 yen to 370 yen. And, since Well this time did not yet buy confectionery, I taste of patriotic and cost performance will your report at a later date. Yes Yes. Of course, taste is always possible to feel very important to restaurants and cake, cost performance and service. It high even delicious go also convinced, is what also delicious that it is not good service of feeling does not repeat. So, it does not not judge the price even for cake of Aluette! If you also restaurant taste, cost performance, the scoring of the three points of the service can be well, you will be able to wonderful restaurants to choose. Hey to upstage me.
Please report the baked goods purchased in mean that. Since I am a lover Finanshie, and morphinan Siena tulle, another ... there? I forgot the name! I'm sorry. Forgotten ones and two purchase. Finanshie is excellent smell like citrus. But ~ Do my taste it's a little more butter rich. Cookies medium has entered the sliced ​​almonds the direction of the white ball of the person of another. White one looks powdered sugar around. Texture of here with crispy dense layer, went taste and is moderately sweet of crunchy and powdered sugar! Naa cute with a ribbon yet. Now, Houtte buy in pledged.
In, you wonder if people do not want you to pledge someone?

Shibuya-based gourmet writer Yamamoto

Born in 1980, Shibuya-ku, resident of nearby Yoyogi Park since 2004. Yoyogi Park from Shibuya Station, is mainly infested spot to around Yoyogi Uehara. Sweeping across Shibuya of the city by bike, walking eating Shibuya food for more than 10 years. The restaurant is focused on cost performance and service. What you like is latte, beer, meat.

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