Shibuya culture project

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Beauty × wine × cheese

ALOHA ~~~ ♪

Do you like beautiful women? Of course I like my favorite thing.

Beautiful women will be happy. It depends on beautiful to make the world happy or unfortunate. It seems not to be gentle on the earth, but like touching the chord line from the bottom, it sounds like a loose sound ... It resonates in my heart with magical vibrations.
Parco FactoryWas held at "Atsumi Kiyokawa's collection of beautiful womenI have collected the soul of a beautiful woman. Costumes used in special supplementary issue "Beauty Collection" (book) of trendy communication are exhibited. While feeling the scent of a beautiful woman, watching a video on which a sentence about a beautiful woman told Nanza Shikan was used. Lightly laughing ...
It is a type of "a character" that is different from a beautiful and different kind, but I felt like being somewhat "little lizard" (because it feels so much that everything is in hiragana). Unfortunately it was until January 7th, so if you are interested please enjoy it at the bookstore. The work of Asami Kiyokawa is wonderful.

The story changes but I like wine. But it seems that wine and sake do not match the constitution, so compatibility with other drinks is bad enough to put a display of "danger not to mix". In short, "drunk"?
About the time of year ... to say "bar bossa" behind the Shibuya video studio. It seems like a shop in the world in the story and in the dream, in an alley that strayed after chasing the rabbit ... There is no talking cat (no) something mysterious space.
Of course the bossa nova in the store. Summer = Bossa Nova may be the royal road, but bossa nova in winter is kinda warm. The atmosphere in the shop is also calm. I've always thought that I would like to go on a date here, but for some reason I always had a wonderful time with a girl friend who loves pork.
Order the recommended wine in a glass. I do not know exactly why Pinot Noir of soft taste made by Alsatian naturalist Pinères ... "Reduced taste of grapes firmly delicious red wine" I am "Cube Beatrice '05". If you compare it with a beautiful woman, is your cute smile like Masami Nagasawa? (Well, I will ... forcibly ...) I like something rich like Peter and I can not have my eyes, but is not it good as the first one this year? Knob orders 5 kinds of olives and cheese. Cheese can be chosen from a variety of cheese. I was entranced in a mouse year ♪
· Irish porter kneaded with black beer · Taste of winter in France Mondor · sheep's hard · blue of goat which is stuck with leaf of maple · mochi · wash · as both taste resemble preference, so heavy odor nectar system It decides without stopping! Great answer. Mondoru is delicious on the royal road. It is a predictive pumplon that you are going to eat in one night when you buy whole.
Because it is red wine and so on, even with dark lighting polyphenol color firmly on the lips ... it is also a girl friend who does not have to worry about it. If delicious cheese has a space with music with friends on wine it is just happy. This year Ichinen will be a good year. surely. Cheers while praying for the happiness of my friends, this is a shop that makes me feel a little nice. There is also Shibuya like this.

Female people are fond of girl friends, men with beautiful women. (If beautiful girls' preparations are difficult to make, pick up "beautiful girls" in their bags ...) Please enjoy the adult Shibuya.
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Shibuya? Illustrator · yummy

 1972年生まれ。渋谷区で小中時代をすごし、鮭のようにまたもどってきました。フラ、サーフィン、ホットヨガ、散歩、買い食い、妄想など趣味にふりまわされちょいゆる生活実行中。Personal blog

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