Shibuya culture project

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In 2007, 10 major events left in impression

I listed 10 items that remained in the impression in the event etc. appreciated in Shibuya this year.

Movie"Azur and Asumaru"/Cinema Angelica
Movie"Daisies"/Theatre Image Forum
Movie"Big Man Japan"/Q-AX Cinema
Movie"Evangelion New Theatrical Version: Introduction"/Amuse CQN
Movie"Glastonbury"/Q-AX Cinema
music"Jane · Birkin JAPAN TOUR 2007"/Bunkamura Orchard Hall
Art"Shibusawa Tatsuhiko of the wonders of the room."Related exhibition /Gallery TOMIn addition to
Art"World Press Photo Exhibition 2007"/Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography
stage"Toyoko storyteller Association Shibuya"/Cerulean Tower Noh theater
Event"Curry department regular meeting @ electric power building"/Electric Power Pavilion

"Azur and Asmar" is a textbook-like expression such as a theme dealing with cultural diversity, but feeling the aesthetic sense peculiar to the Islamic society in fine patterns and psychedelic colors, attracted to the precise and descriptive power of the animation It was done. From "Hinagu" I felt the freedom of expression and strength of images, the feminine feeling of warmth and the sturdiness. "Dai Nippon" also contained political messages and was sometimes confused by the surprising development, but I felt that "the time to watch movies is fun".

"Evangelion" tastes the real pleasure of appreciating sophisticated animation in the theater at this time and the pleasure of waiting for the next work to be released, and from "Glastonbury" it is hard to describe the area here that visited three times I was impressed by the splendid image of the space of spiritual air and happy crazy.

Jane Birkin 's live was a wonderful time that Birkin' s warm human nature, living a life that is praised by many people, is conveyed through various expressive activities and events as icons of the era. In the related exhibition of Shibusawa Tatsuhiko held in Saitama and Kamakura etc in the Golden Week, I also tasted "Pleasure of Knowledge" by knowing the world view of the writer Shibusawa Ryuhiko, and at the photo museum "I felt once again the strength of appealing power of" photographic expression "to the vision that one photograph can have expressive power sufficiently as a medium inevitably.

Rakugo was my first experience, but I realized that rakugo is a thing to listen to rather than appreciate it, as it is drawn into the speech by Mr. Santaro Samutake's personality story and imagining the enjoyment of imagining . It was a wonderful memorable event that I had Tamori's handmade curry at "Curry Club Meeting @ Electric Hall". So the last picture of this year is Tamori 's curry.

I would like to be a year that I can experience lots of nice events next year. Well then, have a good year.

※ Please wait for a while as the interview of Mr. Shisuke Tachikawa doing "Shinsozuke Rakugo" at the annual Parco Theater will be made public on this site on January 4th!

※ In other than Shibuya, Arashi's Tokyo Dome concert was shocking.

Editorial · M

1977 downtown Tokyo born. It is a weakness in the contemporary art and FISHMANS and Hitoshi Matsumoto and Tsunashima hot spring.

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