Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Than alone customers stroll beauty


Christmas is also near, it crowded. Shibuya city like there is also a place that has started also the other year-end party is busy.

Holiday today your job. Those that can be Innovation Bo when the working people precisely because work when a person does not work. Walk is not scarecrow even at such time. It will introduce people of low walk courses in Shibuya Sunday.

246 in the axes Yuki walking down the old Yamate street along to Daikanyama in the opposite direction. When the walk for a while a sign of "fort ramen". Chunky ramen of taste pork. Of course, ramen is recommended, beautifully bottom of the rice ball is stood grain of rice, and eat with the things dip shape of pollack delicious! It is thought "I'm glad the Japanese". Best utilization is high recommended ramen shop in Shibuya.

But, through so had to eat rice with green tea at home today. Walk up to a little more ahead, and turn the sports club angle. (This road is out to Tokyu head office and Yuku walk much) Tokotoko walk the road there is a convenience store went a brick-like corner of the place where it crosses a lot of shops "Galettoria (Garrett rear)". It is Garrett of the shop as the name.

The store is likely well-matched to the countryside like a natural beautiful her sister of the French interior. You order at the entrance to the counter part. Yup. It will be distracted if there is a lot of honey, but ordered a cider and "salt caramel" of the boom. It will be passed something like a hotel key, but this is we have a role of a number of stand to be passed at the burger shop. What-to-fashionable's What. Makeup in dirty clothes is that the is not sorry.

Streets boom of salt caramel in the mega-hit to me! Is a prisoner of sweet Joppai feeling from eating a souvenir from the French friends. Here Galette also, cormorants ~ ~ ~ N, sweet Joppai! ! At first glance, I think it is I do not have enough in private of the amount is less gluttonous, but's the just the right amount because the mind is satisfied and eat one. A little while healed the unique smell of cider, you Yuki too Sunday of time. happiness.

There is a park with a pond that Shoto park at the back of here. Two animals duck in the pond. (It is out-of-focus but) will be healed something.

Shibuya? Illustrator · yummy

 1972年生まれ。渋谷区で小中時代をすごし、鮭のようにまたもどってきました。フラ、サーフィン、ホットヨガ、散歩、買い食い、妄想など趣味にふりまわされちょいゆる生活実行中。Personal blog

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